TROY CONTAINER LINES reminds all shippers that, od júla 2, 2008 USA. Štatistický úrad & Colná ochrana hraníc vyžaduje povinné vyplnenie informácií o vývoze pred odchodom plavidla prostredníctvom automatizovaného exportného systému (AES) pre všetky zásielky.
The regulations call for the export information to be filed in AES according to specific timeframe, and it is now fully implemented with effective date September 30th, 2008.
Odosielateľ alebo jeho splnomocnený zástupca bude musieť poskytnúť vyvážajúcemu prepravcovi AES ITN alebo legendu o výnimke pred vývozom v plánovanom prístave, kde je náklad naložený. Neposkytnutie AES ITN alebo legendy o výnimke dopravcovi by malo za následok, že dopravca nebude môcť naložiť náklad na pridelené plavidlo.. V prípade naloženia akéhokoľvek nákladu bez povinnej evidencie, pokutu 10 000 USD za každý nákladný list vymeriava U.S. Štatistický úrad & Vlastná ochrana hraníc.
Mediterranean Shipping Company wants to make sure that our supporters are aware:
A. podávať a poskytovať informácie v súlade s U.S. Štatistický úrad & Vlastná ochrana hraníc;
B. to pass the information to the carrier in due time and in line with the cargo s receiving policy, and the documentation cut-off implemented by the same;
C. that cargo will NOT be loaded and roll due to non compliance, and that same would be subject to roll-over fee; poplatok za oneskorenú dokumentáciu; zdržanlivosť; skladovanie; opätovná manipulácia; a všetky poplatky stanovené terminálom a dopravcom v súlade s ich zverejnenou tarifou.
Mediterranean Shipping Company will operate under the following guidelines:
A. it would be mandatory to receive master bill of lading with AES ITN or exemption legend by minimum 2 days before vessel’s arrival. The deadline for the receipt of the master & AES would be 12:00 noon, local time of the office of pertinence and receipt. The instructions to where to send the information are posted on the booking confirmation. We kindly request to review these instructions and make sure are properly followed and understood;
B. v termíne, the carrier will instruct the terminal operators to remove from the load list all units for which NO documents were received, and apply all charges related to this operation.
Mediterranean Shipping Company reminds all shippers how important it is to provide the carriers with correct and timely information, and obey by the guidelines as instructed.
Mediterranean Shipping Company also informs their customers that Maher Terminal (New York) has decided, with immediate effect, to implement a re-handling fee of $425/PC during normal working hours, and $550/PC during overtime hours.