Cynghori Allforio LCL: Diweddariad Storio ERF/CFS

Please see below announcement from our CFS partner that will impact all LCL export cargo:


Yn gynharach eleni, gweithredwyd sawl addasiad cyfradd i fynd i'r afael â'r cyfeintiau mewnforio digynsail a'r costau mewnforio cynyddol. Ar y pryd, dewisasom gymryd a “aros a gweld” ymagwedd ar ochr allforio ein busnes. Er bod y dull hwn wedi ein galluogi i ohirio addasiadau cyfradd allforio i'r pwynt hwn, yr amseroedd gwaethygu yn trigo, amserlenni llongau anghyson, canslo ymadawiad llong funud olaf, a phrinder offer, yn awr yn mynnu bod yn rhaid gwneud addasiad cyfradd allforio.


Troy Container Line is continuing to work for the best possible solutions to move cargo as efficiently as possible with the current market conditions. If you have any questions, please reach out to your sales rep or contact us at

Effective Monday, October 11, 2021, the following changes will go into effect:


  • Our Export Receiving fee will increase to $15.00 per CBM with a minimum of $30.00 and a maximum of $75.00 per HBL. This increased rate is applicable to all shipments loading out for international export on Monday, October 11 and after.
  • Our Export Free Time will be reduced to 21 days and we will start billing storage on day 22 under all circumstances. The export storage rates across our network will be invoiced as follows:
    • Export storage free time: 1-21 dayscargo must be loaded in container to avoid storage. Once over 21 days, storage is billed from day 1.
    • Export storage period 1: 22-30 days $5.00 per CBM or 800lbs, min $10.00 per day
    • Export storage period 2: 31 days and after $10.00 per CBM or 800lbs, min $20.00 per day
    • All storage fees are subject to $25 admin fee.